Working with Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders


Presenter:  Tatia Williams, Psy.D., LPCC-S, Psychologist

CE’s: 4 Counselors, Social Workers, Psychologists

Course Description:

This training is designed to help participants develop an understanding of basic diagnostic criteria and treatment approaches for dealing with disruptive behavior disorders. Assessment, differential diagnoses to consider, treatment goals, and associated evidence-informed approaches are presented to help the practitioner address identified client problem areas for successful outcome. The role of parenting and family dynamics in the diagnosis and treatment of disruptive behavior disorders will also be addressed. Techniques are also discussed for addressing behavioral acting out directly occurring in the therapy setting.

Goal: Through the use of discussion, lecture, DSM-V diagnostic criteria, and case study, participants will gain an understanding of the diagnosis and evidence-informed treatment of disruptive behavior disorders.


  • Increase knowledge of diagnostic criteria for disruptive behavior disorders
  • Apply assessment data to rule out differential diagnosis of disruptive behavior disorders and plan treatment
  • Identify at least two treatment interventions to practically implement in treatment.

Workshop Outline:

  1. Prevalence rates
  2. Differential diagnosis
  3. Factors to assess for treatment
  4. Evidence-informed treatment modalities
  5. Diversity factors to consider
  6. Addressing resistance in treatment
  7. Treatment techniques

Level: Introductory