Success Stories

Our Success Stories

Here at Mid-Ohio Psychological Services, we have a commitment to providing affordable, caring, and inclusive mental health services to our community. This devotion to our cause has allowed us to impact thousands of lives here in central Ohio. We feel that it is important to share some of our success stories with you so that you can see the challenges our clients are able to overcome. We value each of our clients and their families that choose us every day. Please take a moment to read the success stories of Sidney, Tommy, and Karen.

Sidney’s Story

Sidney is a 14 year-old who has struggled with maintaining focus, expressing needs to others effectively, and regulating and expressing her emotions. She and her family sought treatment after noticing anxiety impacting relationships at home, school and even with her view of self. Sidney, sometimes individually, and sometimes with varying family members began to participate in therapy sessions to develop endurance and capability in stressful situations through use of music, art, family meetings, thought reflection and replacement, imaginary exposure, and role play to assist her in developing skills to aid in life success. Sidney’s family, as she did too, noticed an improvement in confidence, communication, relationships, and ability to express emotions and needs in a helpful way. They were using the skills taught in therapy and laughing about “sitting with distress”. The family expresses gratitude for the space counseling allowed for the family system and Sidney to develop helpful skills that will aid them in navigating life’s challenges.


Tommy’s Story

Tommy is a 13 year old boy who has struggled with managing his emotions and behaviors at home and school. He and his family sought treatment after they began to notice that Tommy’s anxious and depressive thoughts interfered with his concentration in school. Additionally, Tommy’s parents noticed that his social interactions with his peers appeared to deteriorate. Tommy began to engage in expressive therapy methods utilizing art and sand play to assist him in managing his self-expression, emotion, and to develop healthy coping mechanisms. Tommy’s parents noticed that his self-confidence began to improve, he was regulating his negative, anxious and depressive thoughts independently. In a short time period, Tommy began to utilize the skills taught in therapy. Tommy recently created a success plan in which he has successfully completed therapy services. Tommy and his parents have expressed gratitude for the skills he learned in treatment.

Karen’s Story

Karen has experienced severe mental illness for many years. Her depression interfered with her ability to complete daily activities. She would spend days in bed unable to find the energy to get up and face her struggles. Due to traumatic medical experiences, she lost trust in medical doctors. Eventually she was able to find courage and strength to initiate therapy services at MOPS. She was motivated to change; however was very hesitant and unsure of the process. After the first month of treatment, she began to notice a difference in her relationships and ability to face her challenges. She discovered motivation and energy. She learned to be aware of her negative thoughts and learned ways to cope with intrusive feelings. She started to implement positive activities in her daily routine. She obtained her driver’s license and started to engage in social activities. When asked about her progress, Karen describes therapy as “you guys saved my life.” Karen continues to manage her depression by utilizing the skills she learned in therapy.



Names and pictures have been changed to protect the privacy of our clients.