MOPS Parties


In celebration of Dr. Hedges’ 25 years of services and his transition to his new position, the agency hosted a Celebration Picnic on July 19, 2015 at Sycamore Park.  We had about 100 attendees, current and past staff members, board members, and family joining us in the celebration.  Below is a picture of some of the staff at the picnic.  June 30, 2015, is my last day as Executive Director of MOPS, I am handing the reins over to the very capable hands of Kimberly Blair . Who knew when a group of four of us sat around at lunch in 1989 and thought about starting a practice that it would evolve into what MOPS has become today—a thriving community mental health agency that serves 3,000 people a year, employs almost 100 talented individuals, and does approximately 3.5 million in business in five locations. It has been a privilege to work with the hundreds of folks who have helped make MOPS a success over the years and I am confident that MOPS will continue to grow and serve the community in the years to come. I look forward to my new role as Senior Consultant for MOPS as I “semi-retire”.–Dr. Brad Hedges
